
Hey Rube! This Week

Hello Internet! welcome to the Hey Rube! blog, here is what i have been up to this week.

On Tuesday i announced a draw to win an OWL You Need Is Love sticker.
And today we announced the winner...  emvallevand who liked my post on Instagram. Congrats Emily!
don't fret my friends, even if you didn't win this time you can buy all these stickers on my Etsy shop.

What else happened this week?
I tried out "Caca Rouge" henna hair dye from Lush. I have been dying my hair for a long time but this was my first time using this product. 

before and after

Here is everything i used to get started:
saran wrap
shower cap
a bowl
Caca Rouge henna hair dye

I used 3 of the squares from the bar of henna. I cut them up into smaller pieces, covered them with boiling water, and mixed until it became smooth. The process of putting it in your hair can get messy, so make sure to put down some newspaper before you get started. It is thick and clumpy and feels like you are putting mud on your head.

After covering my hair with the henna dye, i covered my head with saran wrap. This will apparently make the color more red, and will be more brown if left uncovered. I covered my head with a shower cap to keep everything clean and mess free.

And then sit down with a cup of tea and wait...

I used my elephant mug to keep the Indian theme going. Henna and elephants and black tea oh my! I am drinking Double Black Diamond from teAlchemy, A full-bodied Kenyan black tea blended with an aged Chinese Pu'erh tea with hints of malt and plum.

The instructions say to leave the henna in for 2-4 hours, but the tutorials i watched said up to 8. I went with 6. This is clearly not the right activity for a busy day. 

Washing this stuff out is not easy, it takes quite a while to get it all out. I like the results and my hair feels super soft! although the instructions say that the color could continue to change over the next few days, so we will see what happens.

That is it from me tonight folks :)

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